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Under the Green-Fred brand
brand we value our commitment to sustainability.

With a clear commitment to contributing to sustainable development from an economic, social and environmental point of view, Fredlab has been able to adapt to these new requirements with the development of installations in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and which place sustainability at the centre of the activity in object 13.

Fredlab's cleanroom and pharmaceutical process installations are customised for each client, according to their needs. They have only one common denominator: sustainability.

In other words, sustainability means minimising electrical consumption, providing safety to reduce the number of incidents and catastrophic risk, robustness to maximise the life of the installations, the application of software derived from industry 4.0 and the control of the systems through artificial intelligence.

This way, Green-Fred aims to be the set of actions that we carry out, from start to finish, for sustainable installations in terms of energy, efficiency and, in general, for an increase in the life cycle.

How do we achieve this?

  • UTA's (Air Treatment Units)

  • Cooling plants

  • Modular stability chambers

  • Conservation, freezing and deep-freezing chambers

  • Heat pumps

  • Heat exchangers

  • Clean rooms

  • Chamber panels

  • Humidification or dehumidification systems

A commitment to sustainability

Multidisciplinary team

Thanks to the work of our engineers, installers and assemblers who coordinate to promote an efficient system in all the phases involved.

For comprehensive sustainability management, it is essential that sustainability is involved in each of the internal processes of a project:

  • Detection of the client needs
  • Conceptual design of the installation (Lay out)
  • Assembly of the installation
  • Maintenance service (with an annual maintenance contract and a commitment to be fulfilled by both parties)
  • Responsible dismantling service at the end of the system's service life

Sustainable criteria

In all installations we apply sustainable criteria in terms of energy efficiency. Broadly speaking, we are talking about:

  • State-of-the-art ammonia installations
  • CO2 solutions with energy-efficiency
  • 75-degree water heat pumps

4.0 technology

In order to minimise unnecessary costs, we equip all our systems with 4.0 data technology. This allows us to reduce unforeseen events that could potentially cause high costs in this type of installation, as well as the integration of all cooling systems in management programmes with the use of artificial intelligence.

Data monitoring

We monitor the data of the installations on a continuous basis in order to obtain a detailed, immediate and automated control view and thus remotely control and manage all the systems, enabling us to prevent any potential incident. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, automatic correction is applied to minimise additional costs.

We are part of the sustainable change

At Fredlab we are not only part of this environmental commitment but also key partners in initiatives that favour a more competitive, cleaner and more sustainable industry.